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All lectures and seminars at the medical school take place in English. The same applies to tests, assignments and all work related to the school. The medical study at Charles University gives full medical authorization throughout Scandinavia after 6 years.

How many years does the education take?
The medical study at Charles University, Third Faculty in Prague is a 6-year full-time study consisting of 12 semesters.

When does the semester begin?
The semester 2024/2025 begins in September.

Tuition fees 2021/2022
The tuition fee is 420,000 CZK per year, which is equivalent to approximately 190,000 NOK (approx. 17.200 €). The tuition fees are supported by Lånekassen & CSN.


The medical studies are divided into three basic cycles:

Cycle 1 (1st and 2nd year) - Basic biomedical sciences - integrates theoretical subjects in the following modules: Structures and function of human body; Cell biology and genetics; Biophysics and informatics; methodology; Patients' needs. In addition, there are several independent courses (eg Medical terminology - Latin).

Cycle 2 (3rd and 4th year) - Principles of clinical medicine - consists of these modules: Theoretical basis for clinical medicine, clinical propaedeutics, basic clinical problems and compulsory optional courses.

Cycle 3 - (5th and 6th year) Clinical preparation - consists of these modules - Internal medicine; Surgery; Gynecology and obstetrics; Pediatricians and preventive medicine.

The teaching process is regularly evaluated by students. The students are involved in discussions about the framework and goals for the studies at the faculty.

Czech language courses are offered to international students during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of study (lessons are included in the curriculum for cycles 1 and 2 and in the tuition fee) to prepare them for communication with patients.

The basic philosophy of the faculty is to emphasize the gradual improvement of the relationship between teacher and student.

Watch an informative seminar about the study, the school and the city here

See an informative seminar by Dr. Jan Trnka, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs, in a meeting with Israeli applicants in Tel Aviv.

Intervjubilde fra Synne, lf3-min.jpeg

Synne Nordskog

3rd year Student 

Hear from current students

Hear from past and present students about their experiences studying medicine at Charles University. 

Intervjubilde, kalina-min_edited.jpg

Kalina Casadiego

3rd year Student

Intervjubilde, Mari Westad- min.jpeg

Mari Westad

3rd year Student

Watch information video from the Norwegian students at Third Faculty of Medicine

Hear from the students themselves and take a short tour of the school

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